Troubleshooting | Problems and Solutions

The Seakeeper Ride system is not stabilizing the boat.

If the system is in Manual Mode, the Controllers will not move unless they are moved manually by the user. Ensure that the system is in Auto Mode by pressing the button with the Seakeeper Logo in the center of the directional arrows until the word ‘Auto’ is underneath the Seakeeper Logo.

The Seakeeper Ride system is in Auto Mode and is still not stabilizing the boat.

See Section 8 – Testing Actuators in the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions. If the Controllers are not responding as intended while in Manual Mode, they may need to be reconfigured. Please review the entirety of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions. Make sure that each configuration setting matches the orientation of the Controllers and cable routing.

The directional arrows are not working properly, or user is unsure what they are doing.

A full description of the directional arrows and their function can be found in the Seakeeper Ride Operation Manual under Home. Note that the Seakeeper Ride controls are not the same as the controls for trim tabs or other stabilization devices.

The boat moves in the opposite direction of user inputs.

The Controller configuration may be backwards. See Section 8 – Testing Actuators in the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions. If the Controllers are not responding correctly while in Manual Mode, they may need to be reconfigured. Please review the entirety of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions, paying special attention to Section 6 – Controller Configuration. Make sure that each configuration setting matches the orientation of the Controllers and cable routing.

The boat will not respond in Manual Mode until the directional arrow is pressed multiple times.

Note: Seakeeper Ride only works when boat is moving over 10 mph and power increases with speed so if you’re going slow, it will not be as noticeable.

The zero position of the Actuators may be off. Visually confirm that the Controller Blade is flush with the Seal Plate when there is no input (the vessel may need to be out of the water to see). If the Controller Blade is not flush with the Seal Plate, the zero position of the Actuator will need to be redone. See Section 6 – Controller Configuration of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions.

The boat will not respond at all in Manual Mode.

The cable routing side configuration may be wrong. Refer to Section 6 – Controller Configuration of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions. Verify that the Actuator Cable orientation matches the configuration under ‘Cable Routing Side’ on the MFD.

The boat occasionally heels to one side or the other.

Be sure to check the maintenance schedule specifically for Actuator Friction.

Use the directional arrows to trim the boat as desired. See Section 1 – User Interface of the Seakeeper Ride Operation Manual.

The boat always heels to one side when there is no input.

  1. Put the system in Manual Mode by pressing the button with the Seakeeper Logo in the center of the directional arrows until the word ‘Manual’ is underneath the Seakeeper Logo. If the boat heels to one side in Manual Mode with no input, the zero position of the Actuators may be off. Visually confirm that the Controller Blades are flush with the Seal Plates when there is no input (the vessel may need to be out of the water to see). If either Controller Blade is not flush with its Seal Plate, the zero position of the Actuator will need to be redone. See Section 6 – Controller Configuration of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions.
  2. If the boat rides level in Manual Mode but heels to one side in Auto Mode, check the IMU orientation by reading Section 5 – IMU Orientation in the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions. Verify that the system orientation matches the direction the Software Module logo is facing.
  3. If the IMU Orientation is correct and the boat heels to one side in Auto Mode, the Angle Calibration will need to be redone. Follow Section 4 – Angle Calibration of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions.

The bow of the boat occasionally rides too high or too low.

Use the directional arrows to trim the boat as desired. See Section 1 – User Interface of the Seakeeper Ride Operation Manual.

The bow of the boat always seems to be pushed down when there is no input.

  1. Put the system in Manual Mode by pressing the button with the Seakeeper Logo in the center of the directional arrows until the word ‘Manual’ is underneath the Seakeeper Logo. If the boat is bow heavy in Manual Mode with no input, the zero position of the Actuators may be off. Visually confirm that the Controller Blades are flush with the Seal Plates when there is no input (the vessel may need to be out of the water to see). If either Controller Blade is not flush with its Seal Plate, the zero position of the Actuator will need to be redone. See Section 6 – Controller Configuration of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions.
  2. If the boat rides level in Manual Mode but is bow heavy in Auto Mode, see Section 2.3 – Trim Command Curve (TCC) of the Seakeeper Ride Operation Manual and make sure the trim is not set too high at certain speeds. There should generally be little to no trim in the TCC at higher speeds.
  3. If the TCC is set up correctly and the bow is still heavy in Auto Mode, the Angle Calibration will likely need to be redone. Follow Section 4 – Angle Calibration of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions.

Note: Be wary of aggressive trim command curve. This can cause unanticipated maneuvering if the boat has not accelerated past the hole shot portion of the curve.

The bow is raising or lowering too much during the mid-speed range.

If the attitude of the bow is irregular or behaving undesirably at certain speeds, please refer to Section 2.3 – Trim Command Curve (TCC) of the Seakeeper Ride Operation Manual.

The Seakeeper Ride application is blank on the MFD, the Keypad is not lit, and the Controllers are not moving.

Note: The Seakeeper Ride system is connected to the boat’s ignition switch, meaning the system will only power on when the key is turned on.

There is power loss either to the Distribution Module or to the Seakeeper CAN Bus Backbone.

Note: In the event there is damage to the terminal ends of any of your actuator cable terminals, they can be replaced. Replacement should include all 6 cables in order to keep cable length into the amp seal connector even. Utilize a crimper, part number 58529-1, and genuine amp seal connectors, part number 770678-1. Follow procedure as outlined here.

  1. Review Drawing No. 90609 – Seakeeper Ride Cable Block Diagram & Arrangement and Section 8 – Wiring and Terminating Cables of the Seakeeper Ride Electrical Installation Manual.
  2. Verify that the cable to the Distribution Module aft in the boat is connected properly and supplying +12 VDC. Check all power isolation switches and circuit breakers to ensure power is flowing to the Distribution Module.
  3. Verify that the Powered Tee in the Seakeeper CAN Bus Backbone is connected properly. The red wire must be connected to the ignition switch supplying +12 VDC, and the black wire must be grounded. Check any fuses or switches to ensure power is flowing to the Seakeeper CAN Bus Backbone.

The system has power, but the Seakeeper Ride application is blank on the MFD.

  1. Open the rubber cover on the upper left-hand side of the Software Module and confirm a green LED is showing to verify the system has power.
  2. Check the cable between the Software Module and GPS and ensure it is connected properly.
  3. Update the MFD to the latest software version.
  4. Confirm the MFD is in the correct application.
  5. The Seakeeper Ride system may be rebooting or downloading software. Wait for a few minutes and try again.
  6. See Section 2 – Software Module Switches of the Seakeeper Ride Commissioning Instructions and verify that the switches are configured correctly for the MFD brand. See the Seakeeper Ride MFD Compatibility Page to confirm that the MFD is compatible.

The system seems to be functioning and the Keypad lights up, but the Seakeeper application is not loading on the MFD.

The ethernet cable is likely bad. Check the cable connection and replace it if needed. Restart the MFD once connection is fixed.

The system is functioning and the Seakeeper application shows on the MFD, but the Keypad is not lighting up.

Check connection of the Seakeeper cable going to the Keypad. Replace the cable if needed.

The system is stuck in Manual Mode.

Seakeeper Ride requires GPS connection for speed information to operate in Auto Mode. Check that the boat’s GPS has not lost signal. Check the NMEA 2000 cable connection to the Software Module and replace it if needed.

The Controller command indicators are filling in/lighting up correctly, and the Controllers move correctly out of the water, but the Controllers do not seem to have influence on the boat.

The torque arms on the Actuator or the bolts holding the Seal Plate on may not be torqued properly. Check that all the bolts are torqued to the correct values specified in the Seakeeper Ride Mechanical Installation Guide.

Note: If controllers are flashing intermittently during configuration process check to ensure the controllers are assigned to each side, NOT both assigned to 1 side.

  • Ensure there are no additional items connected to the Seakeeper CAN Bus network. additional items might collapse our network (notably the NMEA2000 network if connected directly to the Seakeeper network will collapse them both)