Operation Manual
3.4. Operation Notes
Blade Deployment
As with any boat, when operating a boat with Seakeeper Ride, distribute onboard weight evenly and make any other adjustments that allow the boat to run comfortably and efficiently. Doing this will minimize the need for Seakeeper Ride to deploy the Blades as deeply and as frequently to compensate for static variables and will maximize overall performance. Bear in mind that operator bias including Trim Command Curve, irregularities in loading, wind conditions, asymmetrical hull shapes, or any other factor that may cause a boat to list will cause Seakeeper Ride to deploy the Blades deeper and more frequently and could produce more aeration downstream. Operators should be aware of this in applications where the Ride Blades are located forward of propellers and there is overlap as described in Installation Location 450, 525, 600 or Installation Location 750