Maintenance Schedule
1. Cleaning Seakeeper Ride
It is recommended to clean the Seakeeper Ride Controllers often, along with the rest of the boat. The Controllers can be cleaned with all the components left in place. Cleaning should be done every time the boat is removed from the water through the following steps:
- Spray the Controllers and boat down with fresh, clean water using a hose or power washer. When power washing, to avoid damaging the Controllers:
- Do not use less than a 15 degree nozzle. Do not use a rotating or turbo nozzle.
- Spray at least 18 inches away from the Controllers.
- Maintain continuous movement.
- Apply a mild marine soap.
- Scrub with a scrub brush or rag to remove salt residue, grime, etc.
- Remove additional grime and residue with a hose or power washer on low power.
- Rinse with fresh, clean water.
If the boat is kept in the water, maintain a monthly check of marine growth on the equipment. Regularly brushing growth off is best practice. Reviewing sacrificial anodes for growth or crusting (passivation) should coincide with the check for marine growth on the rest of the equipment. Use a scotch bright pad or soft copper brush to lightly clean the zincs between splashes.
If the boat is kept out of the water, the zinc sacrificial anodes must be brushed clean between usage to allow the surface to remain active and avoid crusting (passivation). Use a scotch bright pad or soft copper brush to lightly clean the zincs between splashes.
When using a pressure washer to clean the Controllers, be careful around seals and cable glands to avoid damage. The Blade may occasionally be removed to clean underneath. If this is done, take great care to not damage the inside face of the Blade or trailing edge of the Seal Plate. The gap between these surfaces is precise and must remain at factory fitment. When reinstalling the Blade use thread locking sealant and activator/primer on the bolts and use a torque wrench to tighten bolts to the correct specification.