Check Actuator Friction & Add Friction Gasket


The Seakeeper Ride design utilizes a round Actuator clamped in place by the Seal Plate and Actuator Plate. This design allows for flexibility in installations, easy maintenance, reducing stocked parts, and preventing damage if underwater objects are struck. The friction generated to hold the Actuators in place must be checked as part of routine maintenance. To improve long-term friction, adjustments to the Actuator Plate parts have been made. In many cases, it is possible to update your parts to adhere to changes. This guide will assist in assessing the friction on the Actuator and making upgrades, if necessary.

This procedure will require the boat engines shut down, access to the Controllers, and the Seakeeper Ride system turned on and in manual mode. Manual mode will provide better understanding of the Blade position with feedback of on the MFD.