Mechanical Installation Manual (750, 750 Quad)

7.2 Secure Actuator Plate

  1. Locate the following pieces:
    • Qty 9 M8 Cylindrical Washers (Qty 5 per Controller on Quad Systems)
    • Qty 9, M8 Wedge Lock Washers (Qty 5 per Controller on Quad Systems)
      • Each washer has 2 components.
      • Qty 9, M8 Nuts (Qty 5 per Controller on Quad Systems)
  2. Insert all the cylindrical washers, flat face out, onto each of the bolts within the milled pockets on the Actuator plate. 
  3. Insert all the wedge lock washers onto each of the cylindrical washers.
  4. Thread all the nuts onto each of the bolts of the assembly hand tight.
  5. Check the bolt length is sufficient to engage all threads of the nuts.
  6. Tighten nuts to 130 in-lbs (14.7 N-m)
  7. Adhere Bolt Covers.

Note: Be sure to use the correct bolt length. Incorrect bolt length may result in insufficient thread engagement or the inability to attach the Seal Plate in later steps.

Note: All variables to be torqued to in-lbs NOT ft-lbs.

Figure 40 – Wedge Pack Assembly
Figure 41 – Adhering Bolt Covers

Repeat this process for all Controllers to create the Wedge Pack Assemblies before moving on.