Unique Transom Installations
Unique Transom Installs

WARNING: Seakeeper Ride disclaims any responsibility for loss of time, lifts, towing or transportation costs or any other indirect, incidental, consequential damage, inconvenience, or commercial loss if any alterations from the suggestions below are made to make Seakeeper Ride Controllers fit on the boat. Seakeeper Ride will not assume responsibility in case of damage caused by improper use, improper installation, modification of our products, or claims of loss of profit by a third party.
Seakeeper Ride has an extraordinary spread of applicability to different hull and transom shapes. For previously designed boats built to conceal their trim tabs or interceptors, it is possible to modify the hull to accept Seakeeper Ride by several different strategies. This document serves to provide ideas and suggestions for such modifications.
In all cases, the hull bottom should form a smooth, continuous joint with the Seakeeper Ride Controller so that water flow is not disrupted. The structure of added panels, standoffs, or any other hull additions described below should be consulted with a naval architect or marine engineer. If alterations are made, the materials and construction of alterations for the additions should meet or exceed the structural strength of the materials and construction of the existing hull bottom and transom. Observe proper industry practice for material and construction for repair and fabrication as outlined by National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC), American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) or similar applicable authorities.

ATTENTION: Please consult with your naval architect and marine engineer as well as a marine surveyor to properly ensure that the boat’s structural integrity is adequate for the Seakeeper Ride Controllers. Use this document for visualization purposes only.
Filling Trim Tab Pockets
On many hulls, there are trim tab pockets like the ones shown below. One possible change that could be made is to fill the pockets where the trim tabs are recessed into the hull. The result would be a flat and flush surface on the transom and hull bottom. This would create an ideal place to mount the Controllers. The added material is depicted in red in the figures below.

Trim Tabs.

It is acceptable, if the boat owner prefers, to recess the Seakeeper Ride Controllers forward of the Transom. Please keep in mind that we recommend approximately 2.5 in. or 63.5 mm. of spacing on the top and both sides of the Controller to both install and service the equipment. This solution might be appropriate for some customers to avoid other appendages off the Transom of the Hull or where altering the Trim Tab Pockets is preferred.

It is possible to move the Controllers aft to clear obstructions by creating standoffs. This may be done to overcome space constraints such as engine brackets, swim platforms, or similar features. Keep in mind the standoffs must be structurally sound to support all loads. Additionally, the surface must allow water to flow from the Hull Bottom to the Seakeeper Ride Seal Plate with no disturbances.

Engine Bracket Modifications
For Hulls with engine brackets or swim platforms, which are offset from the Hull Bottom but not high enough to allow space for Seakeeper Ride Controllers, it may be possible to modify the bracket to allow the Seakeeper Ride to mount to the Transom. Modification might include trimming the bracket or creating extra surfaces in the bracket to create space for the Seakeeper Ride Controllers. As always, the structure of the bracket must be checked to ensure it will withstand loads applied to it and the Transom surface where the Seakeeper Ride Controllers mount must be suitable for Controllers. On hulls with engine brackets or swim platforms, venting the pocket is needed. The vent should allow atmospheric air to flow into the pocket from well above the waterline. Follow best procedure for seacock installation for the vent (example: ABYC Standards H-27 Seacocks, Thru-Hull Fittings and Drain Plugs). If modifications are made to the mounting surface for Seakeeper Ride, ensure the angle is compatible with the Seakeeper Ride Controller.

ATTENTION: Please consult with your Naval Architect and Marine Engineer as well as a Marine Surveyor to properly ensure that the boat’s structural integrity is adequate for the Ride Controllers. Use this document for visualization purposes only.