6.2 Distribution Module

The Distribution Module provides power and communication to the Seakeeper Ride Controllers mounted to the transom. The Distribution Module should be installed on a structurally sound vertical surface, mounted with the Seakeeper logo upright.

A minimum of 5 in. (12.7 cm) of clearance is required beneath the Distribution Module to allow for proper installation of cables.

The Distribution Module must be mounted close to both Controllers, as the Actuator Cables are 10 feet (3.0 meters) long. To accommodate the cable length, the Distribution Module should be mounted in the stern of the boat as high as practical to minimize exposure to bilge water.

For Quad systems which require two (2) Distribution Modules, the Distribution Modules can be located to best accommodate the cable lengths from controllers. The final connection of each Controller to each Distribution Module is not pertinent to system operation.

Note: Actuator Cables cannot be extended due to power loss restrictions.

Figure 4 – Distribution Module