
Seakeeper Ride requires a GPS signal via NMEA2000 Bus for operation in Auto Mode. It is possible to utilize a stand-alone antenna to provide the required signals for Seakeeper Ride. This document is intended to serve as a quick reference for how to properly connect a NMEA2000 Bus to Seakeeper Ride system.

As an example, Maretron makes a GPS200 antenna/receiver which is a plug and play device that is fully compliant and certified to the NMEA 2000 standard and will provide the required information for Seakeeper Ride to function in Auto Mode. It will directly connect to any NMEA 2000 network and communicate with navigational software, chart plotters, autopilots and dedicated instrument displays.

It is necessary to have a complete NMEA2000 network for the equipment to function, it is NOT sufficient to plug an antenna directly into the Ride Software Module at the NMEA port.

Therefore, to make a functional NMEA2000 Network to allow Seakeeper Ride to function, you will need the following components at a minimum:

  • Power Tee
  • Terminator resistors x 2
  • 2 Drops
    • 1 connected to the Ride NMEA port
    • 1 connected to the GPS Antenna

Follow the instructions to set up a NMEA Antenna as an alternative option for GPS so Seakeeper Ride can perform correctly.