Commissioning Instructions for Legacy Software
10. Trim Command Curve (TCC)
The Trim Command Curve (TCC) allows the operator to set a preferred trim at speeds of 10-50 mph in 5 mph increments. This important feature allows the boat to get on plane significantly faster by deploying the Blades when accelerating. The TCC additionally allows the operator to adjust the attitude of the bow by setting preferred Blade deployment at cruise speeds.

The default TCC setup is designed to work well for all boats equipped with Seakeeper Ride. If Seakeeper Ride is being commissioned at an OEM boat builder and a desired TCC setup is known for a particular model of boat, those settings may be applied at this time. Otherwise, it is recommended to wait to customize the TCC until testing the performance of the boat in the water.

For more information on the TCC and instructions on customization, see Section 3.3 of the Seakeeper Ride Operation Manual.