Quick Start Guide

Seakeeper Ride Quick Start Guide

Updated 07/28/2022

Start Up

Seakeeper Ride is designed to drastically improve your boating experience. To start, just turn your key and it’s ready to start eliminating pitch and roll.

  1. Turn on the boat’s main power (battery switch).
  2. Turn on the boat’s Multifunction Display (MFD) and GPS unit. It may take several minutes to acquire satellites. A GPS signal is required for full operation.
  3. Once the boat is in the water, turn on the engine key switch.
  4. The system is already on and in Auto Mode. It will begin operating once the boat reaches 10 mph.

To view the system interface, adjust settings, or switch to Manual Mode, select the Seakeeper Ride application on the MFD. For boats equipped with an optional Keypad, the center Seakeeper icon will be illuminated with a blue ring, confirming the system is on.

For details on system operation, please refer to the Seakeeper Operation Manual.

Shut Down

Turn off engine key switch to turn off the Seakeeper Ride system.